Terugblik BBC Proms 2017

Op donderdag 24 augustus stond het Metropole Orkest voor de vierde keer op rij op in de Royal Albert Hall in Londen tijdens de BBC Proms. Dit keer met ‘Beneath The Underdog: Mingus Revisited’, een ode aan de Afro- Amerikaanse contrabassist, pianist, componist en orkestleider Charles Mingus

Het Metropole Orkest stond deze bijzondere avond onder leiding van Jules Buckley en artiesten als Kandace Springs, Bart van Lier, Shabaka Hutchings, Christian Scott en Leo Pellegrino betraden het podium.

U luistert het concert hier terug.

Hieronder een overzicht van wat er in de media verscheen m.b.t. het concert:

“Charlie Mingus famously encouraged musicians to play without charts, creating big-band scores with rare spontaneity and energy, so what he would have made of the Metropole Orkest’s lush orchestrations in the rarefied atmosphere of the Royal Albert Hall is open to question. By the end though of this triumph, however, I suspect he’d have been out of his seat, charging towards the stage to congratulate all the players and Metropole conductor Jules Buckley. He would have undoubtedly appreciated the superb musicianship of the Dutch-oriented orchestra.” (Jazzwise Magazine, Metropole Orkest Modernise Mingus On Prom Nights door Adam McCulloch)

“At the Albert Hall, every member of the Metropole Orkest played, shouted and clapped their way through the likes of Moanin’ and Better Git It In Your Soul with characterful, Mingus-like verve.” (Evening Standard, Proms 2017, review: Jules Buckley/ Metropole Orkest door Jane Cornwell)

“The night featured a starry crop of international soloists and the Netherlands’ genre-bridging Metropole Orkest, under Jules Buckley’s direction.” (The Guardian, Prom 53: Charles Mingus Revisited review – starry tribute to jazz revolutionary door John Fordham)

“Charlie Mingus famously encouraged musicians to play without charts, creating big-band scores with rare spontaneity and energy, so what he would have made of the Metropole Orkest’s lush orchestrations in the rarefied atmosphere of the Royal Albert Hall is open to question. By the end though of this triumph, however, I suspect he’d have been out of his seat, charging towards the stage to congratulate all the players and Metropole conductor Jules Buckley. He would have undoubtedly appreciated the superb musicianship of the Dutch-oriented orchestra.” (Jazzwise Magazine, Metropole Orkest Modernise Mingus On Prom Nights door Adam McCulloch)

“At the Albert Hall, every member of the Metropole Orkest played, shouted and clapped their way through the likes of Moanin’ and Better Git It In Your Soul with characterful, Mingus-like verve.” (Evening Standard, Proms 2017, review: Jules Buckley/ Metropole Orkest door Jane Cornwell)

“The night featured a starry crop of international soloists and the Netherlands’ genre-bridging Metropole Orkest, under Jules Buckley’s direction.” (The Guardian, Prom 53: Charles Mingus Revisited review – starry tribute to jazz revolutionary door John Fordham)

Gepubliceerd: vrijdag 1 september 2017

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