Sunday January 18th the world premiere of the interactive rockopera Karmaflow in Concert took place. As of this day ‘Karmaflow’ the game is available for sale. The concerts were actually a spin-off of the game and were absolutely unique in its kind. The game literally came to life on stage.
During the concerts, the audience received extra information such as a short introduction of the following scene via the Karmaflow app. Also, they could choose several storylines that were performed live on stage.
The concerts received lots of media attention and they were very enthusiastic about the game and concerts. Please see the reviews below!
FOK!, by PoeHao: “The show was breathtaking.” (review in Dutch)
Brabants Dagblad: “Eyecatchers were the famous Metropole Orkest, the metal band with bandleader/composer Ivo van Dijk and foremost the soloists.” (review in Dutch)
XBoxWorld, by Peter Paardekooper: “The Metropole Orkest and a four-piece metal band took care of the music. It sounded perfect and the orchestra and band were very well integrated.” (review in Dutch)
Metal & Highheels, by Kiki: “There are just not enough words in the English language to describe how incredibly awesome this evening in the Netherlands was.” (review in English)
Tempelores, by Sabine van Gameren: “Besides the Karmaflow band the music is performed by the Metropole Orkest who gave the whole show an extra dimension.”(review in English)
Published: Wednesday January 21 2015
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