Surprise gift for 15-year jubilee ‘Evers Staat Op’

Today the Dutch radioshow ‘Evers Staat Op‘ on Radio 538 celebrates its 15th birthday. They celebrate this great achievement with a marathon broadcast between 6:00 AM and 9:00 PM. Together with several guests, host Edwin Evers and his team are looking back on all the highs and lows and musical guests will perform live in the studio.
In the past few years, Edwin Evers, Niels van Baarlen and Rick Romijn have supported us a great deal, especially when the orchestra was in trouble because of the financial cuts. Therefore, we felt like this was the perfect moment to surprise them with a musical present.

We have asked composer and arranger Willem Friede to write two new jingles. This morning we played it live in the radio show and this afternoon Pieter, our horn player, went to the radio studio to deliver the second jingle!

Listen to the moment where Pieter visits the studio to deliver the second jingle right here. Click on ‘Beluister uur 10’ and forward it to 38 minutes and 35 seconds. The interview is in Dutch.

Published: Friday April 17 2015

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