Opening the Amsterdam Dance Event

Together with Henrik Schwarz the Metropole Orkest opened the Amsterdam Dance Event on wednesday, 19th October. A special collaboration resulting in an entirely sold-out show in the Melkweg.
We would like to thank the Prins Bernhard Cultuur Fonds and the BankGiro Loterij for helping to make this concert happen.

Beneath you can get an overview about the media impressions regarding the concert:

“Henrik Schwarz is a German ADE-Veteran whom I have met at Trouw. He is producer and composer and focussing on the collaboration with orchestras. He combines electronic and classical music into one extraordinary experience. It is no dance concert: imagine a nearly meditative concert with here and there some rolls or a bass line.” (Het Parool, 3 ADE-tips van nachtburgemeester Mirik Milan)

“You can already easily enjoy the smile on Schwarz’s face for an hour. You can see him think: ‘I nailed it again, I am the boss of the ADE.’ The pure joy and self-confidence even rubs off on the orchestra. The timpani player, directly next to Schwarz – you could say there stands Mike Ehrmantraut  from the tv-series Breaking Bad – has by far the most work to do this evening. He needs to ensure that the bass line pumps nearly non-stop within the concerthall.” (3voor12)

” The ADE opening concert is a collaboration of German producer Henrik Schwarz and the Metropole Orkest. It is an impressive set-up in the fully packed Rabozaal, such an entire orchestra with Schwarz in front, behind his laptop.”
(Het Parool)

“The producer from Berlin can be seen as one of the most significant innovators of nowadays’ dance music. In the Melkweg he came up with the jazz and pop oriented Metropole Orkest.” (De Telegraaf)

NOS Journaal
From 21:20 on an item about the Metropole Orkest and the ADE (in Dutch)

NPO Radio 1 – Nieuws en Co
A live feed from the try-out at the studio and an interview with Jules Buckley and Henrik Schwarz.

NPO 3FM – 3voor12 Radio
A live feed from the Melkweg

Boiler Room 
Interview with Jules Buckley and Henrik Schwarz

Published: Wednesday October 26 2016

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