Metropole Orkest and your favourite Dutch artist?

As of today, music lovers worldwide can participate in a new campaign by the Metropole Orkest. The initiative ‘Metropole Orkest met…’ lets the audience decide with which Dutch artist the orchestra is going to record a track. 

Once a year we turn to Facebook to ask the question: ‘With whom should the orchestra collaborate?’. We then receive loads of positive and interesting responses. Now, we ask this same question to an even larger audience and have them actually decide which artist gets the chance to record with the Metropole Orkest!

At you can help decide with which Dutch artist the orchestra is to record a track. Vote for your favourite from the existing list (and have all your friends vote as well!) or suggest your own favourite artist or group. There are no restrictions regarding style, genre or age: Everybody can nominate and be nominated. For the orchestra, this initiative is an amazing opportunity to proof that the musicians of the Metropole Orkest can play everything!

This project is made possible by 51North and Centercom. Centercom will spread the posters of the campaign throughout Netherlands as part of the Centercom Subsidiefonds which we received in September 2016.

Spotted a poster? Share it with us on social media with #MOmet. Share and help your favourite artist record with the Metropole Orkest!


Published: Tuesday January 31 2017

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