Metropole Orkest attends North Sea Jazz Festival once again

Once again, Metropole Orkest will attend the North Sea Jazz Festival this year. On Friday July 7 and Sunday July 9, the orchestra will play two special programs in Ahoy Rotterdam.

This year the festival has a special theme, Sounds of Diversity – A Shared Musical Heritage, because this year it’s 150 years ago that slavery was abolished in the former colonies. With this overarching theme, the festival pays attention to the diversity in people and music that the history of the Netherlands has produced.

On Friday ‘The Diaspora Suite’ will be performed, composed by the Metropole Orkest and curator and initiator Mike Bindraban. Conducted by Jules Buckley, national and international artists, writers and musicians, will tell the diaspora story in word and sound. On Sunday, the Metropole Orkest will pay homage to the Curaçao composers Jacobo ‘Coco’ Palm and his family with guest artists and Rudy Plaate with ‘Palm & Plaate Classic And Popular Compositions From Curaçao’.

Published: Friday May 19 2023

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