Palm & Plaate
Classic and popular compositions from Curaçao
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Metropole Orkest
Maurice Luttikhuis, dirigent
Jandino Asporaat, presentator
Izaline Calister, zang
Maruja Bogaard, zang
Norman Moron, piano
Randal Corsen, piano/keyboard
Eric Calmes, basgitaar
Pernell Saturnino, Percussie
Vernon Chatlein, Percussie
Yumarya Grijt, zang
Jean-Jacques Roger, Cuatro
Tamara Nivillac, zang
Palm & Plaate is a concert in honor of Jacobo ‘Coco’ Palm and family and Rudy Plaate. Artists like Izaline Calister, Maruja Bogaard, Randal Corsen, Norman Morón, Eric Calmes and Pernell Saturnino will perform alongside the Metropole Orkest conducted by Maurice Luttikhuis. Jandino Asporaat will be the presenter during this special evening.
“Classic & Popular Compositions from Curaçao – The works of composers of the Palm Family and Rudy Plaate” is made possible by Fundashon Bon Intenshon.
Tue 31 May 2016, 20:00
Het Concertgebouw, Amsterdam