The World's Leading
Pop & Jazz Orchestra

Winner of 4 Grammy Awards
24 Grammy Nominations

Metropole Orkest & Ack van Rooyen

Play New Metropole Standerds

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Ack van Rooyen, trompet

Jörg Achim Keller, dirigent

Rik Mol, trompet

Leo Janssen, tenorsaxofoon

Marc Scholten, altsaxofoon

Peter Tiehuis, gitaar

At TivoliVredenburg, Metropole Orkest will present some of the greatest pieces of its rich jazz history. The orchestra will do this together with Ack van Rooyen, winner of the Boy Edgar Prijs 2020, and own soloists Leo Janssen, Marc Scholten, Peter Tiehuis, Robinson Khoury and Rik Mol.

The legendary flugelhorn and trumpet player Ack van Rooyen shared the stage with greats like Miles Davis, Lee Konitz, Dizzy Gillespie and Steve Gadd. No wonder that the Buma Boy Edgar Prize, the most important prize in the Netherlands in the field of jazz and improvised music, has been awarded this year to van Rooyen. “As a soloist and teacher, van Rooyen has left a mark on seventy years of jazz history, both at home and abroad”, is what the jury said. Together with Metropole Orkest, Ack will play four songs, among which the music of Jerry van Rooyen, the arranger and composer (and brother of Ack) who passed away in 2009 and with whom the orchestra worked together a lot.

Next to Ack, our own Leo Janssen, Marc Scholten, Peter Tiehuis and Rik Mol will play some wonderful solos. Among other tunes, they will perform pieces by our honorary conductor Vince Mendoza.


Sat 19 Sep 2020, 20:15
TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht