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Cello Biënnale: Metropole Orkest & Cello Giants

Five of the most grooving cello virtuosos

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Clark Rundell, dirigent

Nesrine, Cello

Svante Henryson, Cello

BartolomeyBittmann, Cello

Annie Tångberg, Cello

Emile Visser, Cello

Bill Laurance, componist

Together with Cello Biënnale Amsterdam, Metropole Orkest presents Cello Giants. In the fall of 2022 the orchestra will get together with some of the most rocking and jazzy cellist of today.

Music from and together with BartolomeyBittman (Austria), Nesrine Belmokh (Spain), and Svante Henryson (Sweden). In addition, Bill Laurance (Snarky Puppy) will compose a completely new piece for two of the orchestras own cellists: Annie Tangberg and Emile Visser.

In 2015, Cello Biënnale brought the jazz-rock duo BartolomeyBittman to the Netherlands. After this concert things changed very quickly. BartolomeyBittman became a public favourite at summer festivals, performed at Koninklijk Theater Carré, played the opening concert of the Uitmarkt 2018 and was asked back to the Cello Biënnale for the third time.
The songs and ballads of Algerian-Spanish-French singer and cellist Nesrine Belmokh unites the Arabic and Mediterranean culture in a very special way. She plays at least as good as she can sing and often does the two things at the same time.
Composer and cellist Svante Henryson plays with the biggest names in the classical world, such as Anne-Sophie van Otter and Martin Fröst. He is also one of Sweden’s biggest jazz musicians. The concert with his own quartet during the Cello Biënnale of 2018 made a big impression.
The collaboration between these cello giants and Metropole Orkest is a unique happening and promises to be amazing.


Wed 26 Oct 2022, 20:15
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, Amsterdam